So i got brave...not only did i get brave, but i got lazy. My cousin is a beautician, my mother was one, i have like 3 friends that do it....so i know how to do hair...and i usually do my own. Trusting another person with my hair (my lively hood, i should really call it) is one thing i just don't do.
But i got desperate this time..my hair had grown out so much cause i didn't want chemicals in my head being pregnant (hell, plus i am poor) and with the colour grow out...goes also the style grow out, making my hair styles even more unique since i had to imagine things to do with my beginning to look "scraggly hair" and anyone who knows me, knows i cant stand the look of flat scraggly hair.
so for my bday, my in laws gave me money for hair...actually everyone pretty much gave me money...and i gave in...i gave in and sat in the chemical strained room and let someone i never met nervously cut my hair while i gabbed about my own latest family woes.
so that part was pretty boring, she didn't let the toner sit in my hair long enough, but all in all she did a better job than most ditsy girls that have tried before. I might just use her again...
so ne ways...the point i need to get to in this blog is that i posted the pic on my facebook account cause i was tired of looking at this nasty tagged one of me off of a friends profile and i got a comment that said i looked like Doris Day...
hmm, "an old lady" was my first thought....but then as i started going through the pics on google, i found a few that i sort of looked like: the high cheekbones, the huge brow, the soft light skin, the blond fried wavy hair, the spacing between our facial features is also similar, not to mention the big Ole' k9 teeth of ours....
well at least she isn't that bad looking, and she was a famous actress?? so that has to count for something...right?
people have told me my whole life i look like drew Barrymore...but now i think they are crazy i look more like Doris day. its kind of nice hearing someone say something somewhat decent about my pic for once...i mean, hey, they didn't compare my looks to Rosie o Donnell or opera, or Kristie Allie (fat people) so i need to be good with that.
Ive come to know: i look like a 40's actress; which means i am classy, right???
1 comment:
Whoa, you totally do look like her. Love the new hair. Super cute!
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